All but the Ultimate Mystery
All but the ultimate Mystery was his field,
Almost the Unknowable disclosed its rim.
His self’s infinities began to emerge,
The hidden universes cried to him;
Eternities called to eternities
Sending their speechless message still remote.
Arisen from the marvel of the depths
And burning from the superconscious heights
And sweeping in great horizontal gyres
A million energies joined and were the One.
[Savitri: Book Two Canto 15]
Prayers and Meditations
The Force is Here
June 22, 1914
What has to be will be, what has to be done will be done….
What a calm assurance Thou hast put into my being, O Lord. Who or what will manifest Thee? Who can say it yet?… In all things that strive towards a new, ever higher and completer expression, Thou art present. But the centre of the light is still not manifested, for the centre of manifestation is not yet perfectly adapted.
O divine Master, that which has to be will be and it will perhaps be very different from what all expect….
But how is it possible to express certain silent secrets?
The force is here; in it is the self.
When and how will this force spring forth? When Thou findest the instrument ready.
Oh, the sweetness of Thy calm assurance, the power of Thy Peace!…
[Prayers and Meditations of the Mother]
From Their Writings
The World is a Distorted Expression
The knowledge possessed by the Yogi is also an answer to the terrible theory that all that takes place is God’s direct working. For once you rise to the Supermind you immediately perceive that the world is false and distorted. The supramental truth has not at all found manifestation. How then can the world be a genuine expression of the Divine? Only when the Supermind is established and rules here, then alone the Supreme Will may be said to have authentically manifested. At the same time, we must steer clear of the dangerous exaggeration of the sense of the falsehood of the world, which comes to those who have risen to the higher consciousness. What happened with Shankara and others like him was that they had a glimpse of the true consciousness, which threw the falsehood of this world into such sharp contrast that they declared the universe to be not only false but also a really non-existent illusion which should be entirely abandoned. We, on the other hand, see its falsehood, but realise also that it has to be replaced and not abandoned as an illusion. Only, the truth has got mistranslated, something has stepped in to pervert the divine reality, but the world is in fact meant to express it. And to express it is indeed our Yoga.
[The Mother: CWM 3]
Songs of the Soul: December 11, 2024
Mother Divine, Maa, human attachment is often a cause of so much unnecessary pain and suffering. Yet this ignorant and limited form of love shot with threads of egoism serves as a feeder to awaken in us one day the need of true love, the love that gives itself without calculation, without expectation, selflessly, content in itself and needing nothing in return, not even an acknowledgment or recognition. It is when love becomes ripe and is ready to fully turn towards the Divine. It is universalised as it finds and loves the Divine in all creatures.
Maa transform all ignorant attachment into true love.
Maa transform all suffering into the unalloyed peace and joy of the Divine.
Maa transform all strife into the clasp of Thy Love.
Maa transform all conflict into an ever progressive harmony.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa
Notes and Reflections
Children of the Mother
Feelings of essential superiority and inferiority are inconsistent with spiritual life. Are we not all equally children of the Divine Mother? She loves all equally.
Some open to Her Love, receive it and progress, feel closer to Her and experience joy and peace and gratitude. Others are not yet ready to open and therefore go through a long and painful process of evolution.
Here too, unknown and unseen, unrecognized by the human consciousness closed in the shell of the ego, She watches over the journey, supporting from behind despite the human revolt.
She neither judges nor condemns, neither punishes nor rejects but simply pours more and more love until the limited human is compelled to open and blossom in Her Light and Joy rather than suffer in the darkness of ignorance.
Question of the Day
How do I start practicing Integral Yoga, please give some advice
Read about the practice of the Integral Yoga from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
Start with Sri Aurobindo’s Letters on Yoga and The Mother’s Conversations of 1929 – 1931 (available as part of Her Collected Works vol 3).
Sit quietly for some time everyday and try to find what is the purpose of your life and why do you want to practice the Integral Yoga.
Take the Mother’s Name as often as you can (Naam japa)
Dedicate all your work inwardly to Her.