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At the Feet of The Mother

धर्म और अध्यात्म (TH 363)

इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम 24 नवंबर 2022 का दर्शन संदेश पढ़ते हैं जो श्री अरविंद की “दिव्य जीवन” पुस्तक से लिया गया हे।

Nov 24, 2022 Darshan Card Message: “Religion’s real business is to prepare man’s mind, life and bodily existence for the spiritual consciousness to take it up; it has to lead him to that point where the inner spiritual light begins fully to emerge. It is at this point that religion must learn to subordinate itself, not to insist on its outer characters, but give full scope to the inner spirit itself to develop its own truth and reality.” The Life Divine CWSA 21-22: 897

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