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At the Feet of The Mother

About Savitri | B1C1-21 The Shadow over Earth (pp.9-10)


Her house of Nature felt an unseen sway,
Illumined swiftly were life’s darkened rooms,
And memory’s casements opened on the hours
And the tired feet of thought approached her doors.
All came back to her: Earth and Love and Doom,
The ancient disputants, encircled her
Like giant figures wrestling in the night:
The godheads from the dim Inconscient born
Awoke to struggle and the pang divine,
And in the shadow of her flaming heart,
At the sombre centre of the dire debate,
A guardian of the unconsoled abyss
Inheriting the long agony of the globe,
A stone-still figure of high and godlike Pain
Stared into Space with fixed regardless eyes
That saw grief’s timeless depths but not life’s goal.
Afflicted by his harsh divinity,
Bound to his throne, he waited unappeased
The daily oblation of her unwept tears.

This means that all earth’s life is under the governing shadow of the vital beings. And even the Highest Divinity, when coming upon earth, cannot escape the consequence of this shadow governing all the events of the earth.
For the life upon earth to become entirely divine, harmonious, happy, painless, these forces and beings of the vital world must be conquered or destroyed, transformed, or they must disappear — that is, return to the Nirvana of their Origin.

I have been asked if we are doing a collective yoga and what the conditions for the collective yoga are. ...Last night I had a symbolic vision of our collectivity.