About Savitri | B1C2-03 Foresight and the Human Spirit (pp.13-14)
Out of a timeless barrier she must break,
Penetrate with her thinking depths the Void’s monstrous hush,
Look into the lonely eyes of immortal Death
And with her nude spirit measure the Infinite’s night.
The great and dolorous moment now was close.
A mailed battalion marching to its doom,
The last long days went by with heavy tramp,
Long but too soon to pass, too near the end.
Alone amid the many faces loved,
Aware among unknowing happy hearts,
Her armoured spirit kept watch upon the hours
Listening for a foreseen tremendous step
In the closed beauty of the inhuman wilds.
It is a very vivid description showing that a stupendous power and energy is needed to face the circumstances when you know them in advance. Man is always complaining that he has not been given the power to know what will happen to him. But there is not one man in a million who would have the strength, the quiet calm to face the circumstances if he knew them in advance. This is just to give the description of that condition. It is because Savitri is conscious of the Divine in Herself that She knows what will happen and yet has the quiet strength to face it.
A combatant in silent dreadful lists,
The world unknowing, for the world she stood:
No helper had she save the Strength within;
There was no witness of terrestrial eyes;
The Gods above and Nature sole below
Were the spectators of that mighty strife.
Around her were the austere sky-pointing hills
And the green murmurous broad deep-thoughted woods
Muttered incessantly their muffled spell.
A dense magnificent coloured self-wrapped life
Draped in the leaves’ vivid emerald monotone
And set with chequered sunbeams and blithe flowers
Immured her destiny’s secluded scene.
There had she grown to the stature of her spirit:
The genius of titanic silences
Steeping her soul in its wide loneliness
Had shown to her her self’s bare reality
And mated her with her environment.
Its solitude greatened her human hours
With a background of the eternal and unique.
It is because no human being knew what She knew that She could get exclusively supported by the Power of Her Spirit. She had not to face human anxiety because the human beings did not know. So She was exclusively wrapped in the Power, the mighty Power of the Spirit. And that is why She could face quietly the dreadful circumstances. The forests, the hills, were a very good background for the circumstances because it was the expression of a powerful Nature, silent and magnificent. And She felt supported by this beauty and this grandeur, which was not throwing upon Her the vibrations of anxiety.
I have been asked if we are doing a collective yoga and what the conditions for the collective yoga are. ...Last night I had a symbolic vision of our collectivity.
About Savitri | B1C2-03 Foresight and the Human Spirit (pp.13-14)
Out of a timeless barrier she must break,
Penetrate with her thinking depths the Void’s monstrous hush,
Look into the lonely eyes of immortal Death
And with her nude spirit measure the Infinite’s night.
The great and dolorous moment now was close.
A mailed battalion marching to its doom,
The last long days went by with heavy tramp,
Long but too soon to pass, too near the end.
Alone amid the many faces loved,
Aware among unknowing happy hearts,
Her armoured spirit kept watch upon the hours
Listening for a foreseen tremendous step
In the closed beauty of the inhuman wilds.
It is a very vivid description showing that a stupendous power and energy is needed to face the circumstances when you know them in advance. Man is always complaining that he has not been given the power to know what will happen to him. But there is not one man in a million who would have the strength, the quiet calm to face the circumstances if he knew them in advance. This is just to give the description of that condition. It is because Savitri is conscious of the Divine in Herself that She knows what will happen and yet has the quiet strength to face it.
A combatant in silent dreadful lists,
The world unknowing, for the world she stood:
No helper had she save the Strength within;
There was no witness of terrestrial eyes;
The Gods above and Nature sole below
Were the spectators of that mighty strife.
Around her were the austere sky-pointing hills
And the green murmurous broad deep-thoughted woods
Muttered incessantly their muffled spell.
A dense magnificent coloured self-wrapped life
Draped in the leaves’ vivid emerald monotone
And set with chequered sunbeams and blithe flowers
Immured her destiny’s secluded scene.
There had she grown to the stature of her spirit:
The genius of titanic silences
Steeping her soul in its wide loneliness
Had shown to her her self’s bare reality
And mated her with her environment.
Its solitude greatened her human hours
With a background of the eternal and unique.
It is because no human being knew what She knew that She could get exclusively supported by the Power of Her Spirit. She had not to face human anxiety because the human beings did not know. So She was exclusively wrapped in the Power, the mighty Power of the Spirit. And that is why She could face quietly the dreadful circumstances.
The forests, the hills, were a very good background for the circumstances because it was the expression of a powerful Nature, silent and magnificent. And She felt supported by this beauty and this grandeur, which was not throwing upon Her the vibrations of anxiety.
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