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At the Feet of The Mother

About Savitri | B1C3-01 Aswapati – a Divine Representative (pp.22-23)


A World’s desire compelled her mortal birth.
One in the front of the immemorial quest,
Protagonist of the mysterious play
In which the Unknown pursues himself through forms
And limits his eternity by the hours
And the blind Void struggles to live and see,
A thinker and toiler in the ideal’s air,
Brought down to earth’s dumb need her radiant power.
His was a spirit that stooped from larger spheres
Into our province of ephemeral sight,
A colonist from immortality.

It is the description of the One through whom Savitri was born. He says that it is through the intermediary of somebody who didn’t belong to the earth but came from the higher and freer regions. And then the description of this intermediary is here:

A pointing beam on earth’s uncertain roads,
His birth held up a symbol and a sign;
His human self like a translucent cloak
Covered the All-Wise who leads the unseeing world.

He says there, that all the world is governed by what He defines as the “All-Wise”; and this king, who became the father of Savitri, was sufficiently transparent and conscious so that the wisdom of above could, through his Consciousness, touch the inconscient world.

Affiliated to cosmic Space and Time
And paying here God’s debt to earth and man
A greater sonship was his divine right.
Although consenting to mortal ignorance,
His knowledge shared the Light ineffable.
A strength of the original Permanence
Entangled in the moment and its flow,
He kept the vision of the Vasts behind:
A power was in him from the Unknowable.

It is because, in spite of his incarnation in this world of ignorance, he had kept sufficient consciousness of his Origin that he could not only aspire to bring down the Divine upon earth, but have the power to realise it.

An archivist of the symbols of the Beyond,
A treasurer of superhuman dreams,
He bore the stamp of mighty memories
And shed their grandiose ray on human life.
His days were a long growth to the Supreme.
A skyward being nourishing its roots
On sustenance from occult spiritual founts
Climbed through white rays to meet an unseen Sun.
His soul lived as eternity’s delegate,
His mind was like a fire assailing heaven,
His will a hunter in the trails of light.
An ocean impulse lifted every breath;
Each action left the footprints of a God,
Each moment was a beat of puissant wings.
The little plot of our mortality
Touched by this tenant from the heights became
A playground of the living Infinite.

This is the description of one of those that are not purely human, but whose origin is far higher, far greater, and their existence much longer than the existence of the earth. When those come upon earth, it is to help the whole of humanity to rise towards the highest Consciousness.