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At the Feet of The Mother

August 02, 1913

A Recitation of selected Prayers and Meditations of The Mother (AUDIO)

AS I cast a glance this morning on the month which is about to begin, asking myself what was the best means of serving Thee, I heard the small inner voice like a murmur in the silence, and it said this to me: “See, how small is the importance of external circumstances. Why strain and stiffen in the effort to realise thy conception of the Truth? Be more supple, more confident. The only thing thou hast to do is not to let thyself be troubled by anything. To torment oneself about doing good brings about as bad results as bad will. It is in the calm of deep waters that lies the sole possibility of True Service.”

And this reply was so luminous and so pure, it carried in it such an effective reality that the state described was communicated without any difficulty. I seemed to myself to be floating in the calm of deep waters; I understood; I saw clearly the attitude which was the best; and I have only to ask Thee, O Sublime Master, Supreme Instructor, to give me the strength and the clairvoyance necessary to maintain myself constantly in this state.

“Child, trouble not thyself, silence, peace, peace.”

 [* Please note that here the text of 1948 edition is being recited. It significantly differs from 1979 edition, published in Collected Works of the Mother, vol.1]

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