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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Prayers

A short message for the day, received from Alokda every morning (when possible).     

Songs of the Soul: September 27, 2024

Maa, Mother Divine, what is this blind race in which human beings are running, this race for money, for comfort, in vain pursuit of things that are chased and won and lost in an endless spiral movement in the circuits of ignorance. Yet here and there something of Thy Light shines and a wave of Thy Love passes through a human frame making the toil seem worthwhile. It is as if one pearl is found in a number of empty shells is enough recompense for the struggle beneath the ocean siege.

Yet a prayer rises from the depths of the heart to release man from the chains he has wound around himself. Maa, may the soul of man discover true freedom. May it stop playing with the clay toys and look up to the stars and catching a ray of Thy Light climb up to the land of the Sun from where he has fallen forgetful of himself and his mission. Mother Divine may we step out of this frightening whirlpool of death we call as life, this nightmare we call as reality, this failure we term as success and this glitter and glamour of artificial lamps we call as sunlight.

Maa, may mankind wake up from the dark spell of ignorance deforming his vision and falsifying his values. May we wake up fully to Thy Light and Serenity and the wonders of Thy Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 26, 2024

Sweet Mother, Thy Love is so much at the core of everything that even the man of utmost evil can hope to be redeemed. Thy Love is so much vast that all beings and creatures regardless of their merits or demerits, regardless of their errors and mistakes can take shelter and refuge in it. Thy Love is so much intertwined in everything that it is impossible to escape its uplifting and transforming influence. But when Thy Love assumes a human body, puts on a form and name then its power of transformation are indeed limitless. Such is the mystery of the Divine Advents, the Avatar, the Divine descents in humanity. In them and through them the Divine Love enters into the very depths of Matter, into its abysses. May this highest height of Thy Divine Love touch our hearts and ignite the flame of true devotion in us.

May this flame of Thy Divine Love be lit and grow in us. May each part of nature be touched by Thy Love. May our entire being be drowned in the growing tide of Thy Love, dying to the old and be reborn in Thy Love. May we burn in Thy Love, body and soul and with our ego and desires reduced to ashes rise from it like the phoenix, born to an immortal life. May Your rise from the heart as a burning column of light and spread far and wide engulfing the whole earth. May Thy Love purify all, refine all, transform all.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 25, 2024

Sweet and infinite Mother, Mother Divine.

Maa all the journeys of life are in fact Your journey. From the most miniscule particle swirling in Space laying the base for all the wheelings and circlings, from the great cycles of creation to the daily round of the earth around its orbit and the life of man around his desires are all secretly impelled by Thy Force from behind the veil of our ignorant nature that knows not whither we go or are being secretly led through the forces and agencies of lower nature. Though it is ultimately Thy Power, since there is but only One Original Power, yet it works filtered, and in the process diminished and distorted, through the sieve of lower nature. This is so because we are not ready to bear the pressure of Thy intense and powerful working. Therefore man must grow through two stages. He first grows through ignorance which is often like a twisting and tumbling roller-coaster ride and then, when he is somewhat ready, the child is delivered to Thee whence he grows under Thy direct care. This is our second birth or a new birth. It begins by recognising Thee and ends by becoming one with Thee, an eternal portion of Thee growing more and more one with Thy Peace and Strength and Sweetness and Wisdom and Delight.

Such is the door of destiny now opened for us, for all who have been made ready and are being made ready. May all is give complete adhesion to Thy Will and Thy Working in us. May all in us be always full of a deep intense gratitude for bringing us so far and giving us the promise and the assurance for taking us to the intended perfection. May the new birth be fulfilled by a conscious and constant living in Thee, for Thee and by Thee.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 24, 2024

Mother Divine, Mother of Light and Delight

Maa may all grow conscious with the true consciousness. May all grow happy with the true happiness. May all find true Peace and repose in Thee.

Maa, this world suffers due to the thick crust of ignorance and its offsprings ego and desire. These are the original children of Diti, the mother of division and falsehood. These deviate us from the true path through false whispers, wrong promptings and the lures that misguide the soul. May these and all other enemies of the soul that obstruct the way to the true spiritual life be slain with no possibility of being revived by the sanjivani of the Asuras, the dark illusion that prolongs the hold of the ignorance. Maa, Thou art our true Mother, our mother and father and friend and master and teacher and beloved. May all our relations and attachments be consumed and absorbed in our manifold rainbow hued relation and attachment with Thee, until nothing else remains but Thee alone, everywhere and in everything, Thee, Thee alone.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 23, 2024

Sweet Mother, Maa whatever we may do wherever we may be, may we be carried by Thy Presence, surrounded by Thy Peace and Light and Grace and Love, a pure and perfect channel and instrument surrendered in Thy Service for Thy Forces to pour upon all.

Maa, our sweet and infinite Mother, may we carry Your Presence everywhere and become Thy ideal children, radiating Thy Peace and Light and Sweetness and Harmony and Love everywhere.

May Thy Will be fulfilled in us and in all. May all taste Thy Peace and Joy, the Peace, the Joy, the Strength, the Sweetness, the Love that flows ceaselessly from Thy Heart and is the share of all who surrender themselves at Your Feet.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 22, 2024

Maa, Mother Divine, life can be and aught to become a perpetual miracle. At one level it is already a miracle. In fact each moment is a miracle and a wonder, our very breathing and heartbeats are a miracle. The wheeling of the suns around their fixed orbits, the motion of the stars, precise and accurate leading the cycles of creation, the journey from dust to man, the emergence of thought and the birth of faith and aspiration, the will to struggle and hope and dare and conquer is each a miracle and a marvel. In fact the whole creation speaks of Thy Grace and Love for those who can perceive.

Yet there is something that deflects this beautiful blossoming with ease and simplicity and peace, turning or perhaps cursing all life with pain. It is as if a shadow straddled across the sunlit fields of God clouding our vision and confusing the path. But with Thy Presence, Light returns, the shadows are dispelled and all becomes a perpetual miracle again.

May the miracle of Thy Grace unfold in everyone’s life and creation move and progress once again harmoniously, gracefully and smoothly to the rhythm and the tune of the eternal Dancer.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 21, 2024

Om Mother Sri Aurobindo
Om Mother Sri Aurobindo
Om Mother Sri Aurobindo

Maa, Sri Aurobindo is the Soul of Matter lifting the terrestrial creation and our material life ever higher and higher towards the highest heights. He moulds all by His luminous and powerful gaze, changes the fixed course of things by His silent Will. Thou art His Force labouring since old to bring our material creation progressively nearer to the Divine Idea embedded in each atom of existence. We too being Thy children born of Thy Power carry something of Sri Aurobindo, the Lord and Thyself, the original Power, within us. But this truth is veiled by our mind and ignorance. All our knowledge based on the apparent facts of existence are an illusion that our mind creates and then our soul is trapped in these theories and systems as if these were settled facts and final things.

But the doors of Wisdom open by Thy Grace and we see that all these laws and ways of being is a habit and the pressure of Thy Force can change it all. Maa Thou art our refuge, our hope and our strength. Maa, at Thy Feet is our Peace, in Thy Service is our Joy, in Thy Love is our supreme consummation. Take us entirely in Thy arms of Mercy and Love. Keep us forever in Thy heart.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 20, 2024

Maa, Sweet Mother, Mother Divine

Always we see freedom walking along with the Law. On the one side the fixity of cosmic sequences ties us hand and feet as a cog tightly fixed in the wheel. On the other hand You are always with us and, since the world is nothing else but Thy objectivisation in Time and Space, You can change, modify, deflect or even completely annul the law of Cause and Effect. Just as a writer can change the events in a story he is writing without affecting the theme or the plot so too You can change the circumstances without creating any disturbance to the original Will. It is so because Thine is the original Will and the Knowledge at work everywhere and in everything. Since You are everywhere and in everything when You shift people and events then the whole chain and all the links are automatically adjusted and reset without disturbing the overall harmony, bringing the maximum good for all.

But as soon as we start meddling, then, focused almost exclusively on our little ‘separate’ surface personality and its likes and dislikes, we almost always disturb the chain, create more disharmony leading to even more suffering than we imagined we would avoid. Therefore the best course is always to surrender ourselves to Thee, to do our best as one plays an assigned role without letting the stress of ego and desire overtake us and then leave everything in Your hands.

O Mother, let our surrender be true and complete, full of trust, full of a complete acceptance and adherence to Thy Will in our life, whatever it may be, full of a luminous trust and peace knowing that You know what is best for us, better than what we, with all our thoughts and imagination, can ever conceive. The highest wisdom, even practical wisdom is to entrust ourselves and our destiny to Thee and face the unfolding events and circumstances with a serene and glad equanimity that is the result of a complete surrender to Thy Will. At each instant may we lay ourselves entirely bare and open at Thy Feet so that Thy Will may be done and not mine. In surrender and acceptance of Thy Will in our life lies complete safety and total peace. Indeed surrender to Thee is the great secret, the greatest of all secrets.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul: September 19, 2024

Mother Divine, let the rejuvenating streams of Thy Love pour upon earth and fill it it with Thy fragrance and delight.

Let Thy Peace enter the hearts of men and Thy sweet harmony awaken in all.

Let Thy law of Truth manifest despite all oppositions and resistance.

Let our minds be illumined with Thy Light and all creatures disclose Thy unseen Presence.

Let our sight behold Thee everywhere and in everything.

Let our very senses extend beyond their limits and perceive Thee in all experiences.

Thou art in all things, all is in Thee and Thou art the All. There is nothing else but Thee. May this become our constant experience.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa