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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Prayers

A short message for the day, received from Alokda every morning (when possible).     

Songs of the Soul (2024 08 31)

O Sweet Beloved, Mother Divine 
May all our being melt in the radiant flame of Thy Love and flow completely into Thee, become one with Thee. May all be moulded by Thee into Thy perfect vessel and flawless crystal that receives Thy Love without spilling and radiates Thy Light without distortion.  Let nothing be left out in the union sole and unutterable, not the union of dissolution but the union that spreads itself in countless creatures and loves Thee and serves Thee everywhere and in everything. 

Songs of the Soul (2024 08 30)

Mother Divine, Thou art our sole refuge, the alchemist Energy of Love that transforms, the Power that saves, the Light that leads, the Truth that we aspire for, the Force that can annihilate all evil, the Strength that makes all possible, the Grace that can change all things, the Beauty that no eyes can behold, the Peace that one finds nowhere, the Bliss that dwells secretly in all things, the Hope beyond measure.

O ever Compassionate Dawn, the purity that nothing can sully, come to our help, to the help of Thy children, to the help of the earth struggling against darkness. Come, O Mother, lean to us so that held by Thee we may climb towards the heights where we are meant to be.

Thou art our sole refuge, our hope and strength and Joy.

Maa, Maa, Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul (2024 08 29)

Mother Divine, awaken in us an ardent desire to know Thee and to be one with Thee, not only in the quiet and passive state during meditation in all the dynamic activities. Give us the will that refuses to give and is ready to persevere and conquer every obstacle on the way. Give us the love that gives itself completely and entirely to Thee without the least calculation or demand. Give us the faith that is more steadfast than the mountains and an aspiration that never wavers.

Maa, throw open all the doors and windows on our soul in a total surrender and an absolute unreserved self-giving.

Songs of the Soul (2024 08 28)

O Glory of glories, Mother Supreme, let the sun bring to all Thy message of hope calling us to the glory of the future. Let the rosy radiance of the Dawn be a reminder that no darkness, however thick and long, can resist the advent of Thy Light forever. Let the new day come to reveal the truth that the Night seems to make us forget, that it is Truth that conquers and not falsehood. Let the morning rays touch this soil and quicken the aspiration of the earth to climb towards Thee. Let the morning winds sing hymns of gratitude for giving us one more day to draw us a little closer to Thee. Let it be so until the night and day both feed the glory of the New Creation and the fields of creation are all flooded with the greatness and glory of God.

Om Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

Songs of the Soul (2024 08 27)

Sweet Mother, Mother Divine

May our life be suffused with the glow of Thy Love. Give us that Love, that pure and disinterested Love that gives itself to creation because it is You who dwell in it. It gives to You in each creature and receives all from You alone regardless of the immediate and the intermediary instrument. Thus all becomes a constant play of Thy Love linking all forms and all existence in a sweet and happy harmony.

+May all breathe Thy Love, may all our thoughts be illumined by Thy Love, may all our feelings become a radiant stream of Thy Love flowing to Thee through each and every creature, may our will and actions be a luminous expression of Thy Love and, may all our life be a song of Thy Love, a hymn of Love offered to Thee in adoration, worship and complete self-giving.

May all open to Thy Love. May all be blessed by Thy Love.

2024 08 26

Songs of the Soul 
Mother Divine, may all in us be concentrated upon this one single preoccupation, to know Thee, to love Thee, to serve Thee better and better each day. May all our thoughts flow ceaselessly towards Thee, be full of Thee. May we love Thee in all beings and all our feelings reflect Thy Sweetness and Joy. May our will be one-pointed in Thy Service and all our actions converge towards this one single goal, – to know Thee, serve Thee and love Thee better and better each moment in a wide and entire self-giving.

2024 08 25

Songs of the Soul

Mother Divine Thou art our hope, our joy and our refuge, the Love that gives the dynamic pulsation to all things, uplifts and transforms, the Force of Life that moves all existence and makes everything alive, the Wisdom that works silently in each atom of existence, the Grace that heals and succours and pushes us to progress, the Bliss that dwells in all things while men seek it outside, the Peace that one finds nowhere but at Thy Feet.

To Thee our infinite gratitude. To Thee all our submission and worship and prayer.

To Thee all belongs and all is surrendered at Thy Feet with love and gratitude.

All is Thine, Thou art in all, all is Thyself and there is nothing else but Thee.

2024 08 24

Songs of the Soul

Maa, give Thy Peace to all.

Let Thy Peace descend upon all and quieten this vain agitation, these meaningless quarrels and disputes that serve absolutely no purpose, this whirl and swirl of thoughts tied around small, trivial things that are of little or no consequence. Maa, may all this be quietened and may all discover the serene felicity that is natural to those who have found their soul and have consecrated their life to the Divine.

May Thy Peace enter the thoughts of men bringing clarity and calm. May Thy Peace enter our hearts turning it into Thy temple and shrine. May Thy Peace enter our life making our breath a happy and luminous stream of Thy Force flowing through nerve and cell. May Thy Peace enter our body building there the strong foundation for Thy Work.

Peace, Peace, Peace, may Thy Peace descend upon all.

2024 08 23

Songs of the Soul

Mother Divine, may we be constantly conscious of Thee, full of Thee, always ready for Thy Service, open to Thy Grace and Force and Light and Love. Without Thee life is an aimless wheeling of the suns, a meaningless drifting of the stars, a dream without substance or reality, an emptiness and a waste. With Thee all becomes a marvel and a joy. Thy Presence makes all meaningful and beautiful, gives a direction and a purpose as well as the strength, the enthusiasm, the joy to undertake the great adventure of life. It is Thou who makes all Real and True. Thy Presence is the Source of all hope and the certitude that one day all our earth will grow beautiful and luminous and divine and all life will become a glad and happy and harmonious song of beauty and bliss.

To Thee we surrender our all. In Thee, for Thee, by Thee may we live and all life become a wonderful expression of Thee.