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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Text in English
It is enough to quietly meditate with an aspiration to call the Divine Presence and consecrate the house. One can pray for all who would be living here invoking Peace and Light.
.. becoming true role models of selflessness and truthfulness and honesty and courage in our life we can help our children enter through one of the many doors into the Sanctum Sanctorum of the vast and complex temple of Sanatana Dharma.
Text in English
It is the imperative necessity of sacrificing oneself to annul the resistances of the earth nature that led to the event of 05th December 1950 which may well be termed as the last transition in Sri Aurobindo's life.
The 24th November 1926 marks the beginning of Darshan Days observed as special occasions in the Ashram when the Mother and Sri Aurobindo would be seated together, the Mother to Sri Aurobindo's right representing the Shakti of Sri Aurobindo while the disciples went up to have a glimpse of the twin Avatars one by one in a silent queue.