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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


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Sri Aurobindo had not come to establish once again the Krishna world upon earth. His gift of the Gita still ranks and would continue to rank among the greatest of world-scriptures. Yet this was not enough.
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The real purpose of the Divine descents is to release the hidden Divine Consciousness hidden in the depths of matter so that a progressive divine manifestation can take place. The chosen place for this progressive divine manifestation is the earth with India as the spiritual epicentre at least for the present cycle.
The way to enter the inner atmosphere of the Ashram is through faith, sincerity of aspiration, true will to surrender and for these the outer Ashram becomes a royal doorway to enter and facilitate Sri Aurobindo's yoga.
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It has always been known that the original temple of the Divine is within us. The outer temples are symbolic representations of certain inner realities.
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It takes great courage and determination as well as patience and perseverance to cultivate this indispensable quality and one can never have enough of it.
Let us hope and pray that the souls of nations trapped in their armour of the ego are freed and each nation gives its own unique positive gift to the world.  
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The effect of philanthropy depends upon the state of consciousness with which a philanthropist gives.