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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Though there is a fixity in the cosmic scheme and the cosmic consciousness moves along the lines determined by the Cosmic Divine, there is another Transcendent status of the Divine wherein entirely new possibilities can be brought into play.
The lasting comfort is never found in the environment. It is an inner state and comes with a certain kind of inner acceptance of present limitations combined with an inner aspiration to bring about the needed change.
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His Beauty and Light and Love dwells in everything including that which we, in our superior pride sometimes or the sense of vanity, abhor and condescend.
... it is best to follow the maxim, to each his own path. At the same time one respects the right of others to follow their own way without deviating from the truth one has seen and felt within oneself.
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... one can concentrate upon the Name and Form of the Divine Mother preferably in the heart (centre of the chest), in the head crown or even above the head.