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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


Ordinarily the mind divides everything into separate elements and tries to understand them through comparison and contrast. In reality however the whole world is nothing else but God’s outer robe, His progressive manifestation.
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have not come here to create any religion but to open a way for the future for those who are ready and feel the call. A mass movement, whether local or global is not part of Their agenda.
... behind it all is the secret soul, the person behind the personalities, the witness of God in the hushed sanctuary of the heart, the divinity within us, the doorway to the Divine immanent in all things. 
The fact that suffering is an inevitable part of our journey does not cancel our urge to help and save. Rather often it is the sight of suffering that has given birth to kindness and compassion
Text in English
The usual worship of the gods and goddesses has no real place in the Integral Yoga practice since all are included in our worship and adoration of the Divine Mother.
This is a question that does touch every sensitive heart especially since it strikes as a direct contradiction to our idea and conception of an essentially Divine world.