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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


... one has to learn to strive rightly and patiently. To learn to wait is to put Time on our side. To be restless and impatient is to delay things further. Even an intense prayer should be full of trust and patience
The first thing is to make the Divine discovery our goal, not as one of the many goals but the most important thing that we need to discover. 
One can practice psychological methods of widening by contemplating the boundlessness of Space, the endlessness of Time. Even a few moments of such contemplation is enough to liberate oneself from the clutch of the moment.
A true remedy is the growth of faith. Faith naturally grows as we go nearer to our soul. But the simplest is to call the Mother's Name.
The main work is within and it is this inner work in each one that provides the needed fulcrum for the larger collective work.
Our outer acts, even gestures and postures should somewhere reflect something of this divinity within. Even a ritual act must be at once a symbol as well as expressive of an inner movement.
The deer, the cheetah and man himself are parts and plots of the great epic of creation in which nothing is eventually destroyed but recycled into better forms. When we understand this then the play becomes delightful.
A state of crisis raises the storm of fear, agitation and anxiety in us and fills the mind with clouds of doubt. Therefore we become momentarily blind to the presence of the Sun.
The principle behind transformation is that our limited Nature has behind its seemingly mechanical workings a perfect Intelligence, a Supernature, a Conscious Force prompting and pushing from behind, expressing itself as an intuition and a wonder in her workings.
Instead of all the complex analysis we just need to be simple as a lily floating into the river of Grace, be as a flower opening to Her, offered at Her Feet.
The degree of refinement of our senses depends upon the quality of our consciousness. At the same time if the senses indulge in crude pleasures our consciousness becomes more and more heavy and gross.
If only we could learn to be simple and humble and open like a flower to the Grace, then life would be so much wonderful. But the sceptic mind stands in the way and an aggressively selfish consciousness opens doors to fear and closes it to the Grace.