This day marks a definitive turning point not only in Sri Aurobindo’s personal sadhana or the history of the Ashram but even more so in the history of the earth.
Having sown the seeds of the new emergence the Divine withdraws, not into some Ineffable secrecy of Silence but a little behind or beyond the limits of the human sight. This too is part of His lila (Divine Play).
... death and life, destruction and creation are seen as two sides of a single truth, and the dance becomes conscious as we attune ourselves consciously to the rhythms of the Lord and His mighty footsteps and rejoice in the ecstasy hereafter.
The Maharasa is an eternal truth, the truth of the New Creation wherein each and every element, movement, being and forces are fully surrendered to the Divine and have Him rather than our ego at the centre.
Mankind has followed four main types of interventions with regard to the healing process. The first is focused mainly on the physical aspects of illness and drugs that modify these.