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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


An essay by Dr Alok Pandey in English
... in most cases the absorbing interest in fulfillment of vital desires as well as the time and energy needed just for maintaining the framework of the family life leaves little room and time for spiritual self-growth which demands a greater and greater one-pointedness.
A five-part article by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
There is a tendency to think that people who take to spiritual life become incapacitated for dealing with real life issues. Nothing can be farther from truth. This misconception is based on a wrong understanding of true spirituality and a wrong understanding of life as well.
The worship of Rama, Sita, Krishna, Radha, Christ, Buddha, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is not just some kind of demonstrative act of devotion. It is a recognition that here are some lives that man can emulate. It is a recognition of divinity within the reach of man.
...what is important is to know what truly helped them to become what they became, regardless of defects or their absence. It was this understanding that led to the deification of certain great and luminous beings in the eyes of humanity.