This is an English translation of a Bengali article entitled “Manush Bhajan” by Nolini Kanta Gupta, a senior disciple of Sri Aurobindo, who once remarked, “If Nolini does not understand my Yoga, who does”. The translation of this article was done by Satadal.
I HAVE been asked what difference the presence of the Supermind will make, in what way will it change the trend of events and how, since the Supramental manifestation, life has to be reviewed. I am asked to give practical examples. Here is what I have seen
Nature demanded of [India] that she should discover a greater secret of human unity and through progressive experiments apply and establish it in fact. Christianity did not raise this problem of the greater synthesis, for the Christian peoples were more culture-minded than religious-minded. It was left for an Asiatic people to set the problem and for India to work out the solution.
In this universe the possibility of Love begins with the Parashakti—The Divine Mother. In this sense Sri Aurobindo is referring to the coming of the Mother here and the fusion of Her experience with His.
The sense of separated and isolated existence, the feeling of a closed system that one assumes in opposition to others is the Maya of which the Vedanta speaks. It is real so long as it is taken to be real. But it possesses no inherent or absolute reality.