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At the Feet of The Mother

Talks in English

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A Talk in English (video)
Physicians routinely encounter the phenomenon of Death as also those involved with the care of Terminally ill. It brings us face to face with our human vulnerabilities and is indeed a great challenge. The present interaction with the medical fraternity takes on some of these issues.
A Talk in English (video)
The 24th of April occupies a special place in the Ashram History. It was the day Her final arrival, which marked a new phase of Her Work with Sri Aurobindo for Earth and man. The Mother has noted that it ‘…was the tangible sign of the sure Victory over the adverse forces.’
A Talk in English (video)
"Of all the powers that have gone into creation, the most powerful admittedly is Love. Without Love, creation could not be, without Love creation could not be pulled out of its darkness. But what really is Love, this most powerful lever that moves all things? It is the Mystery of mysteries, the Great Secret..."
A Talk in English (video)
We know that yoga is not a set of physical exercises, the meaning of the word yoga is a union, but union with what or whom? What are the way and process in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother? How can we build our relations with Them? These are the major questions each of us has to find an answer to follow the Pathway to the Future They have prepared.
A Talk in English (video)
Why do we die and what's wrong with this question? How we do the Yoga of Cellular Transformation and what is incorrect with this question also? How to keep body fit for the physical transformation? What is The Mother's vision and does she see us? Finally - role of Gurus, Babas and other middlemen in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Please join the conversation ...
A Talk in English (video)
Spiritual evolution can be very disorienting. We live our lives according to certain set patterns, ideas, beliefs, which are appropriate to the humans. But as we enter into higher levels, experience touch of the limitless vast, these ideas and patterns must fall away...
A Talk in English (video)
The age of religions is over. When a great Master comes and releases certain teachings, they have to be expressed in a body of words, which we understand in a human way. Every great teaching has an eternal element, the Sanatan Satya, but to receive it we have to go beyond the customs and external things in which it is trapped...
A Talk in English (video)
This world is not what it appears to be. It is a distorted appearance of a reality, and we are playing with this distorted appearance. Because we don't perceive it rightly, therefore our responses are also not right responses.