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At the Feet of The Mother

The Mother’s Vision

A full book is HERE

It is obvious that the most dominant characteristic of matter is inertia, and that, if there were not this violence, perhaps the individual consciousness would be so inert that rather than change it would accept to live in a perpetual imperfection...
A new life must be built. Then all these difficulties that seemed so unsurmountable — oh! they fall of themselves. When you can live in light and joy, are you going to cling to shadow and suffering?                                                                        
The whole life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world. And there will no longer be what men now call gods.
Q: What will be the altitude of the superman towards man? A: What is the attitude of man towards the animal? No, let us hope that he [the superman] is a little more kind! (Laughter)