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At the Feet of The Mother

The Mother’s Vision

A full book is HERE

In the ordinary life there’s not one person in a million who has a conscious contact with his psychic being, even momentarily. The psychic being may work from within, but so invisibly and unconsciously for the outer being that it is as though it did not exist. And in most cases, the immense majority, almost the totality of cases, it’s as though it were asleep, not at all active, in a kind of torpor.
The Overmind, therefore, does not and cannot possess the power to transform humanity into divine nature. For that, the Supramental is the sole effective agent. And what exactly differentiates our Yoga from attempts in the past to spiritualise life [...]

What is consciousness?

[... ] it is the creative essence of the universe — without consciousness, no universe; for consciousness means objectification. I could also say that consciousness is what “is”, because without consciousness nothing is — this is the best reason.

What is the function, the use of the imagination?

I have always felt that if one didn’t have the capacity of imagination he would not make any progress. Your imagination always goes ahead of your life [...] Imagination opens for you the path of realisation.
There is one thing certain about the mind and its workings; it is that you can understand only what you already know in your own inner self. What strikes you in a book is what you have already experienced deep within you.

Why is “each spot of the body symbolical of an inner movement” ?

Because the whole physical world is the symbol of universal movements. So our body is the symbol of our inner movements.

Sweet Mother, is the subconscient stronger than the mind, vital and physical?

It has a greater power. [...] There are many things which one doesn’t wish to keep and drives out from the active consciousness, but they go down there, hide there, and because it is subconscious one doesn’t notice them [...] And then, when you are off your guard ... it rises up and comes out.
"...whereas the origin of individualisation being in the Supreme Himself, the ego is only a passing deformation, necessary for the moment, which will disappear when its utility is over, when the Truth-Consciousness will be established."