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At the Feet of The Mother

The Mother’s Vision

A full book is HERE

In the history of our universe there have been six consecutive periods which began by a creation, were prolonged by a force of preservation and ended by a disintegration, a destruction, a return to the Origin, which is called Pralaya.[...] But it has been said that the seventh creation would be a progressive creation

What is the “transcendent Mother”?

... the transcendent which is above creation, at the origin of creation; the universal which is the creation, and the individual which is self-explanatory [...] So these three aspects are also the three aspects of the divine Mother: transcendent, universal and individual.

Can the Divine withdraw from us?

That is an impossibility. Because if the Divine withdrew from a thing, immediately it would collapse, for it would not exist. To put it more clearly: The Divine is the only existence.
Why is the world like this and not otherwise?... The fact is that it is so, isn’t it? and the second fact is that one doesn’t want it thus, and the third is to find the means that it may no longer exist. That is our problem.
... all that can be said is: “Things are like that because they are like that”, one can’t explain them, because the explanations one gives are those of ignorance and explain nothing at all [....] So you have to pierce a hole, rise in the air and see things in another way. Then like that one can begin to understand.
With this consciousness which is your own, which is like a grain of sand in the infinite vastness, you want to know and judge the infinite? It is impossible. You must first of all come out of yourself, and then unite with the infinite....
... when one is born into the spirit, it becomes something much more concrete, much more living, much more real, much more tangible than the whole material world. And this is what makes the essential difference between beings.
Selections from the Mother’s conversations in 1929-31 and 1950-58. Covering a wide range of subjects, they give a glimpse of Her vision of the future evolution of humanity and the promise of a divine life on earth.