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At the Feet of The Mother

Book One: The Book of Beginnings

The journey and process of yoga is not a straight line but a wave-form with rise and fall and rise again. This is the general course of the process of Integral yoga: the soul ascends to a higher level and then returns back with the light and power gained to lift up the nature as well.
No more tied to the surfaces of life, aware of the One Self that hides behind all names and forms, we discover the state of Peace and Joy that comes from this vast inner Freedom. A new and vast Knowledge begins to pour upon us from Above revealing all things a New Light.
The road to Self-Realisation undertaken by Aswapati is through a stilling of the Mind leading to an ascension into a vast, luminous and powerful Silence Above.
"How does our self-experience and world-experience change when we are identified with the Cosmic Spirit? We are given a brief glimpse of this state in the lines that follow."
What is being described now is a result of the expansion and growth of consciousness that is taking place in the seer-king Aswapati during the course of his yoga. His ascension is marked by new discoveries.
With the release of consciousness from the strong grip of Matter, we discover new faculties and begin to experience the realms hidden behind the physical world.
"The Seer-king Aswapati now ascends to the higher planes. He leaves the limits and boundaries of terrestrial nature, and enters the domain of the Gods, who preside over creation and its various aspects and functioning as powers of the One."
"There are hidden powers and latent possibilities within each one of us. They begin to awake under pressure of the Light growing within us. The transforming Power, the Divine Shakti liberates what is imprisoned within us."