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At the Feet of The Mother

Book One: The Book of Beginnings

The Vedic seers saw the Truth as a Vast, luminous consciousness, a limitless Existence beyond dualities of the mind and the ego. This is the next ascension that Aswapati undergoes, and the first step towards the building of a deeper, higher and truer life within us.
The very first stages of transformation, the transformation of the Mind of Ignorance into a Mind of Light, are now being described in the passages that follow. This initial step leads us to a freedom from Ignorance, as the ignorant human mind gets transformed into the mind of a seer.
Human life as we experience now, in our ignorance, is not the final intended act of Nature. It is a stage, a transition, a rather long preparation, often through much struggle and suffering, for divinity, for the divine unfolding in and through man as an intermediary link.
"In a summary way, we are being shown the core process and the final result of the Supramental Transformation, - the discovery of the psychic being and becoming a conscious instrument of the Divine, a progressive opening and surrender to the Divine Mother and a growing oneness with Her."
The psychic being leads man from birth to birth, through the doors of death, in numberless names and forms until man the individual grows into an image true of God. Aswapati himself has traced this journey through many lives until he has become the center of the Divine Descent.
We are introduced to the Seer-King Aswapati, a being from the higher consciousness, a representative of the Divine upon earth who has come to help humanity in its Godward climb and open the doors to the future.
Thus far, in Cantos One and Two of Book One, we have been given a brief background of Savitri’s work. It is a cosmic work that she has undertaken, against which are arraigned powers of darkness that do not wish to see the Advent and growth of Light upon earth.
Thus we see in this brief but succinct Canto not only a glimpse of Savitri’s divine personality, the purpose and mission of her birth, but in a wider sense the purpose of our own birth in this play of Space and Time.
Thus ends this powerful canto that in a way summarises Savitri’s work and mission and brings us in touch with the Divine Mother’s being. Savitri the book and Savitri the incarnate Divine Mother, whose touch we receive through the book, become thereby a means for our own liberation and transformation.