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At the Feet of The Mother

Canto III: The Glory and the Fall of Life

But what happens to the wonderful force of Life as it enters into and emerges out of the material frame? As if under a magic spell of some dark sorceress who has maimed her powers and turned her into the very opposite of what she actually is.
We see how life emerged in matter, not through a series of random accidents, but through a dumb call from below and an answer from above. It is a top-down view that reconciles evolution and intelligent design that we find here.
Though Sri Aurobindo describes here how life emerged from matter, He also gives us in a gist the secret of all evolution which is, a call from below and a corresponding answer from Above.
Aswapati has glimpsed this world of Bliss that is behind and beyond our sphere of sorrow. But no bridge exists between Earth and the Beyond. A rare individual souls can glimpse it in rare moments of Grace, but the doors of humanity as a whole are closed to this greater possibility.
Life indeed is a magician builder as Sri Aurobindo puts it later in this passage. There is no end to the varieties of forms and energies and powers it brings forth into creation.
We can see how Sri Aurobindo is taking us step by step towards higher divine worlds and describing the life there. The union of Knowledge and Power is the characteristic of Supramental life. Beyond it are the worlds of Ananda. It is the original Delight that has gone into creation.
In those high worlds, Aswapati witnesses the union of the two sides of One Existence, Idea and Force, Knowledge and Power, Vision and Will. It is a realm of divine Unity, a realm of where Wisdom and Will meet and become one.
Not only love and beauty and rapture but also power and grandeur are found in these Life-Heavens. Such was the glorious kingdom that Aswapati had entered, a space where love and joy bound all to all and made the ruler one with the ruled.