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At the Feet of The Mother

Canto III: The Glory and the Fall of Life

The Life-Heavens are essentially worlds of Joy and beauty and love as also of power and glory. In this world strife was replaced by a harmonious embrace of opposites.
The higher worlds of Life are peopled with deathless beings whom we know as gods. Sri Aurobindo gives us a glimpse of these worlds and what they represent in the grand scheme of things.
Our human life could be lifted far above its present pitch and bring in some fresh air from diviner heights if matter could open to the Spirit’s influx. Matter must be prepared for the Divine Life to be established upon earth. Until then these greater possibilities of life will remain mere dreams.
Life is a power of the Divine, born of His Consciousness-Force who is filled with the breath of His infinity. But here she labours in Ignorance forfeiting her divinity. This is her curse and her ordeal.
Life has descended from its high peaks so as to create and build here the Beauty and Truth and Power and Delight of the Spirit. This is her labour and also the cause of her suffering.
The vision of Life in its totality comes closer to Aswapati as he ascends through the hierarchy of the ladder of Consciousness. At first we have distant glimpses, few and far in-between. Later they are more frequent and the truth that is glimpsed from afar comes closer and nearer.
What has been described so far is of course not the whole picture. Life, in its origin, is Divine and is born from the Bliss that built the worlds for housing God’s joy. We see here an overview from afar of these Life-Heavens.