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At the Feet of The Mother

Canto VI: The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life

This canto is about an intermediate stage through which evolution passes. It is a life no more centred around just food and mating and sleep. There is here a cry for change and glimpses of a higher and more beautiful life. But these passing glimpses do not endure nor have the power to transform our earthly existence.
There is in the heart of life a hope that one day it shall indeed be transfigured by some miraculous tough. Until then she must strive and suffer and toil. Such is the predicament of life upon earth and of man tied to creation’s fate.
Life refuses to give up. She waits for the extended and uplifting arm of God to save. This is the hope that Life carries within her heart, a hope and a longing to be freed in the spirit and taste once again her lost glory and delight.
Life is a greatness not yet realised. It carries within it the seed of Divine Perfection and hence there is within us an urge towards Perfection. The seed within us drives us eventually on the roads of life looking for and seeking what we carry within.
Changing in appearances, life continues to be a field of suffering. New hope awakens and then fades away, new practices and ways of living come and go while life continues to linger shackled by the chains of Ignorance tied to her feet.
Not for long can the energy of life remain in this locked realm. She is bound to seek something beyond. She is destined to go further in her quest for the Ultimate, the ever-lasting, the limitless since she is secretly driven by the breath of the Eternal.
The sense of dissatisfaction that haunts all life can be solved only if we discover the missing piece of the human puzzle. It is the Divine. Without discovering this central piece, life will continue to swing between joy and sorrow
Vast and powerful though this domain of greater life is, it falls short of the ultimate Truth. It still moves in the encircling sphere of cosmic Ignorance. Its cry is unable to pierce through the veil that holds us back from God and Light and Truth.