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At the Feet of The Mother

Canto VI: The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life

Life carries in its core the delight that built the worlds. It runs as a sap of existence and is felt in all its activities. It is this divine music lost to life’s ears and screened from her inner hearing that Life is seeking.
This realm builds a dream splendour, which lasts only as long as a dream lasts. A time comes when the illusion is over and one discovers the fugitive nature of what one had hoped to have found. This is a very beautiful description of our life as it stands at present.
As with every other power, this realm too tries to understand the ways of God through its own limited abilities. Though it feels a distant glimpse and a call, it is still a realm of Ignorance and the veil is not yet lifted without which the real sense is lost.
The domain of Greater Life whose centre lies in our heart, allows a window glimpse of Truth. It lets us see Reality through a veil. A first hint of divinity and the distant call of the Divine is felt here as one enters this plane.
Life runs along two parallel streams. The one with which we are more familiar is the surface life of man, its surface seekings, temporary satisfactions and sufferings. Behind it all there is a deeper yearning that one finds sometimes in this greater life, a glimpse of the deeper truth of Life.
The world of fantasy and imagination has its own reality. It is not just an escape door but a dwelling place for some. It is important therefore to choose carefully what kind of imagination we shall dwell upon. These creations can give us temporary satisfactions but not the ultimate release or the transformation that our souls seek.
As Aswapati begins to search with a spiritual fire and intuitive beams, he discovers a world of fantasy and imagination drawing its substance from some hidden reality. It is the world that painters and musicians and artists are in touch with as also some poets.
Aswapati is now set to read the book of life. It is a mysterious script full of signs and gestures that are rapidly changing like costumes that disguise the actor.
Aswapati now moves deeper along the trails of life to see where it is leading our journey. Is there a purpose at all in its movements or all is a chance caprice? He shares his discoveries with us.