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At the Feet of The Mother

Canto VI: The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life

Though the larger vital worlds are endowed with much more power and possibilities than we can imagine upon earth, yet there is something crucial missing there. Though large in scope, powerful in action, yet it lacks oneness and hence it is still a world of ignorance.
These are some of the characteristics of the vital world: expansion, taste of the extremes, seeking for power and joy. The larger vital, the greater life grows through these things towards its great goal.
We see here a description of the Intermediate Zone through which the aspirants to the beyond must pass. It is a realm that can easily confuse the seeker who can mistake ‘extreme’ of things for Truth and believe himself to be waging a just and righteous war while all the time labouring in the law of ignorance. Yet this illusion may provide a foothold for further ascension if one follows the lead of the Ideal and keeps the aspiration for Truth intact.
The beings of this greater life are wider in their consciousness and have the ring of a greater vision and power around them than ordinary human life. The circle of their influence is large and the sphere of their action extends beyond their little personal life.
A greater life awaits us beyond our struggling everyday life of dead routine and common acts. Though not yet Divine, it reflects some touch of divinity and awakens us to the higher truths above.
This higher vital world is stirred by profound energies and forces sublime that draw their impulsion from some deep source. Yet it is a reflected Truth, not the One original Reality and Power.
Life has descended from its own true Home into the darkness, ignorance and unconscious inertia of earth nature. She has laboured long to find the key of her redemption and of matter along with it. All her labour is to discover the Power that is hidden in her own deepest core.