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At the Feet of The Mother

Weekly Readings in Savitri

The next movement describes summarily, as it were, Savitri’s life until this moment, and contrasts it with the ordinary human life. The Master Poet also reveals the general law of earthly evolution which is largely under the law of Ignorance and the stress of Suffering and pain.
Of all the powers that Savitri embodies the most potent is Love. What follows is a vivid description of Her inner being which could harbor this all-powerful transmuting flame. It inspires and uplifts, sets a supreme and sublime example before humanity, opens our inner doors to the Divine Mother’s wonderful Heart of Love, filling us with Her Peace and Light and Sweetness and Bliss.
This is the first brief hint provided by the Master-poet Sri Aurobindo about Savitri’s tapasya that armed and prepared her for taking on the challenge of Destiny and facing the spirit of Death with a will to conquer.
After giving us a brief account of the karmic law that holds in its grip all humanity by the noose of Ignorance, Sri Aurobindo reveals to us the secret that would liberate us from its clutches. But man cannot do it by himself. Savitri has come to open the doors to a New Power, a Power that has not yet manifested in creation.
The very first Canto of the First Book has been aptly titled The Symbol Dawn. All new life begins with the advent of Light. The first touch of this Light that awakens us out of the state of Ignorance is the Dawn.