In reading Savitri [...] we constantly soar upwards, ascending to levels of consciousness far beyond our normal ken. We can reach to terrestrial, universal and even cosmic states of consciousness. _
Whether one is from America, from East or West, it doesn’t matter, the truth is the same for everyone. Only by surrendering to the divine Mother will they discover true and lasting happiness.
Among all the experiments going on in the world, this experiment of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is possibly the most difficult because it aims at a collective realisation, with far-reaching goals.
Recollections of Ramkrishna Das, known as Babaji Maharaj, written by Dakshina in 1998. Babaji has named the Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham and supported its work.
[Relics came] ... into this far off corner of the world that is yet so ignorant of its Divine origin and purpose; radiating here too where it is so very needed, “Truth and Light and Life Divine.”
It was only towards the end of 1926 that the disciples in Pondicherry began referring to Aurobindo Ghose and Mirra Alfassa as ‘Sri Aurobindo’ and the ‘Mother’ in their diary notes, etc.