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At the Feet of The Mother

2024 08 23

Songs of the Soul

Mother Divine, may we be constantly conscious of Thee, full of Thee, always ready for Thy Service, open to Thy Grace and Force and Light and Love. Without Thee life is an aimless wheeling of the suns, a meaningless drifting of the stars, a dream without substance or reality, an emptiness and a waste. With Thee all becomes a marvel and a joy. Thy Presence makes all meaningful and beautiful, gives a direction and a purpose as well as the strength, the enthusiasm, the joy to undertake the great adventure of life. It is Thou who makes all Real and True. Thy Presence is the Source of all hope and the certitude that one day all our earth will grow beautiful and luminous and divine and all life will become a glad and happy and harmonious song of beauty and bliss.

To Thee we surrender our all. In Thee, for Thee, by Thee may we live and all life become a wonderful expression of Thee.

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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.