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At the Feet of The Mother

2024 08 25

Songs of the Soul

Mother Divine Thou art our hope, our joy and our refuge, the Love that gives the dynamic pulsation to all things, uplifts and transforms, the Force of Life that moves all existence and makes everything alive, the Wisdom that works silently in each atom of existence, the Grace that heals and succours and pushes us to progress, the Bliss that dwells in all things while men seek it outside, the Peace that one finds nowhere but at Thy Feet.

To Thee our infinite gratitude. To Thee all our submission and worship and prayer.

To Thee all belongs and all is surrendered at Thy Feet with love and gratitude.

All is Thine, Thou art in all, all is Thyself and there is nothing else but Thee.

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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.