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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul (2024 09 03)

Mother Divine the life of man is so much caught up and deeply entrenched in the vortex of physical preservation and vital desires masquerading as needs. His thoughts seem to move in small and narrow grooves of family and personal comforts and if work gives him some momentary escape from this frightening preoccupation with himself it ends up leaving him tired and exhausted with little time and energy left to fulfill his true purpose. What a waste of the golden opportunity that life offers to man wherein he can, by the intensity of an inner aspiration, fly fire-winged towards flaming horizons of a marvellous dawn.

Maa, may all escape from this narrow ignoble life centered around the little self, spent uselessly in idle pursuits and I-ness and My-ness. May these bonds of ignorance with which man has tied himself be loosened and his mighty spirit soar free towards vast luminous skies where Thy infinite riches await our discovery. May the aspiration for Light and Truth be lit in every heart and refusing consent to mortality may we rise higher and ever higher towards the Divine Glory and the highest Ideal which we are meant to discover and express.

Om Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa.

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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.