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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul (2024 09 10)

Come Mother, come! Come, O Mother Divine, Mother of Beauty, Love and Delight, come in Thy gracious form of Mahalakshmi, as the eternal charmer who holds the key to the mystic doors of love. O Beauty unparalleled whose heart is the flaming door to ecstasies, come to O Mother of Beauty and Bliss, open our heart to Thy sweetness and love. Sweet Harmony that dwells in all things, hidden behind the outer crust of hardness and harshness, come, O Mother, make us entirely plastic to Your touch, melt us, refine us, remould us, join us forever to Thee in the smithy of Thy Love. Forge our life into a beautiful and harmonious rhythm of Thy delight. Rebuild us with the substance of Thy Light.

May all grow harmonious and beautiful.
May all grow tranquil and happy.
May all open to Thy Sweetness and Love.

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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.