Mother Divine, Maa, human attachment is often a cause of so much unnecessary pain and suffering. Yet this ignorant and limited form of love shot with threads of egoism serves as a feeder to awaken in us one day the need of true love, the love that gives itself without calculation, without expectation, selflessly, content in itself and needing nothing in return, not even an acknowledgment or recognition. It is when love becomes ripe and is ready to fully turn towards the Divine. It is universalised as it finds and loves the Divine in all creatures.
Maa transform all ignorant attachment into true love.
Maa transform all suffering into the unalloyed peace and joy of the Divine.
Maa transform all strife into the clasp of Thy Love.
Maa transform all conflict into an ever progressive harmony.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa