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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul: October 03, 2024

Mother Divine, Mother of Light and Might

Mother of Radiances infinite

Mother of the gods, Thou art the Silence that weaves the stars and builds this many tired universe for creation to climb to the Lord as the soul of man would climb to the temple on the mountain tops. Thou art the Force that moves all creation setting into motion the cosmic whirl. Thou art the fulfiller of the dreams of God, the sole omnipotent Goddess hidden behind Thy Works. Thou hast created Space as the cosmic page and Time is Thy scribe to write the song of the Infinite. Thou art the splendour of the suns and the nectar of the moon. Each form is something of Thyself and Thy Presence in all things is the sure sign that creation cannot be vain, the seal and sanction, the promise and the assurance that however long it takes, the Divine Beauty and Glory will manifest one day upon earth and in all.

Mother Divine, Thou art the first glimmer of the marvelous Dawn announcing the ending of the Night. Fill our minds with the sweet glow of Thy golden hues. Maa, Thou art the flaming passion burning in the splendour of the unearthly Rose. May our hearts be filled with its fiery ardour and love for Thee. Maa Thou art the calm and tranquil sky blue and white stretching endlessly plunging into endless depths and fathomless vastness.

Maa Thou hast come amidst us assuming a human body. By Thy infinite Grace Thou hast assumed a human form entering into our mortal state so that our human nature, our human bodies, may receive Thy touch through contagion and wake up to Thy Light and Love. Awaken in us the will to conquer. Give us the faith that never falters, the love that gives itself to Thee without any resistance.

Come, Mother, come. Build upon our soul Thy royal estate of Truth and Light and Bliss. Come, Mother, come streaming with Thy rays opening our sight to deeper and higher things. Rebuild our lives with Thy Love so that we may be remoulded into the perfect image of Truth, a strong and luminous vessel of Thy Peace and Joy and Light and Truth and Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

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The Divine Grace a power that is superior to any rule, even to the Cosmic Law — for all spiritual seers have distinguished between the Law and Grace.