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At the Feet of The Mother

Songs of the Soul: October 07, 2024

Mother Divine,
Thou art the essence as well as the very stuff of our lives for nothing can be without Thee. All power of thought and will and action draws its breath from Thee, yet men think as if it is their own. It is this great illusion of a separate personality cut off from Thee that is the source of all feelings of limitations and incapacity. Nothing is or can ever be cut off from Thee for that would mean an instantaneous dissolution. Yet this illusion of separateness is also part of Thy play preparing us in the womb of ignorance wherein the child knows not its mother and leads an unconscious, mechanical life until it grows up and is ready to take up the real journey and its unique challenges.

Each of our personality is a temporary construction by nature in each life to express something of Thee, of a particular mode of Thy infinity. It is the very purpose of distinct personalities. But our mind turns this distinction into division, the differentiation into separation as if a particular part of the body, distinct in its function could work independent of the whole body. Just as each of the million gods and goddesses are each a mode of Thy working, each an expression of Thy Power and without Thee none will be able to function so too each of us is meant to express something unique of Thy Glory and Presence. But if we believe this as something our own then the doors to all kinds of fall open.

Maa, take away completely this illusion of a separate personality. Let this last veil be torn so that we may live constantly in the truth that we are but a wave of Thy infinity. From Age to Age, life to life, we come from Thee, live by Thee and return back to Thee. While here, may it be Thou who lives and acts and speaks in us and through us. May we live constantly in the uninterrupted vision of this truth.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

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Between the age of eighteen and twenty I had attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence and that I had done it all alone.