Mother, O Mother, Mother Divine, make us entirely Thine. Thine in everyway, Thine everywhere, Thine for all eternity.
Maa may all effort and impulsion and prompting of our will impel us towards Thee.
May each quiver in the brain and nerve say Maa Maa Maa.
May each pulsation of the heart say Maa Maa Maa
May each twitching of the muscles be Maa Maa Maa
May each longing and passion cry Maa Maa Maa
May each desire reach out to Thee saying Maa Maa Maa
May each feeling run towards Thee whispering Maa Maa Maa
May each thought climb towards Thee on wings of Thy Name Maa Maa Maa
May each cell, each pore of our body radiate Maa Maa Maa
May each sense rush out to receive and greet Thee in every form and name with Maa Maa Maa
May we become full of Maa Maa Maa, completely and in all entirety Maamaya, Maa Maa Maa Maa
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa