Mother Divine,
everyday You open so many windows to reach out to us and one who is waiting and attentive can contact Thee in and through even the most insignificant things. In fact the whole universe speaks to us of Thee if we care to see. But we are closed in our heart and bound by our thoughts and hence miss the golden moment. But from to time Thy sweet voice is heard in the depths of the heart, a Voice, full of sweetness and strength, carrying with it the conviction and the certitude of Truth’s Victory against all that opposes it. It rises in the depths of the soul as a song of Love that never dies, as a hymn of Joy that never tires, of the triumph of Light that dwells in all things covered with dense darkness. And once we attune ourselves to this beautiful Voice so full of Sweetness and Love, then we begin to hear it everywhere and in everything. With it comes supreme hope and the deliverance from all anxieties and fears.
Maa, Thou art the hope of the world, Thou art the goal of our journey,. Thou art the path that takes us straight to the highest good our souls can seek. Thou art the strength that helps us walk upon the Path, the Light that leads, the Love that ensures the Victory.
All is Thy Play with Thyself as the Play and the players.
Om Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa.
About Savitri | B1C3-12 The Soul as Witness and King (pp.33-34)