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At the Feet of The Mother

What is the difference between Christ Consciousness and Krishna Consciousness?

Christ and Krishna are both divine descents and like all other divine Advents are a blessing to earth and men. Each Divine Advent comes putting forward one aspect of the other of the Divine. Christ brought forth the Divine Compassion born of the Divine Love. He showed the way of sacrifice and redemption through faith. Krishna brought forth the Divine Delight and showed the way to be inwardly free even while leading an outwardly normal life through the path of Divine Works.

Continuing in the same line, now Sri Aurobindo has come bringing forth the Divine Perfection that exists in the home of Truth, for earth and mankind through the path of progressive and integral surrender to the Divine Mother’s Grace.

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I have objected in the past to Vairagya of the ascetic kind and the tamasic kind and by the tamasic kind I mean that spirit which comes defeated from life.