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At the Feet of The Mother

The Divine Shakti Hidden behind Nature pp 59-60

Opening remarks
The One Existence is arranged in a way that on one side of the pole there are the gods, luminous and brilliant, whereas on the other side are the dark powers that perpetuate the reign of Ignorance upon Earth. Our present nature harbours these forces of Ignorance and yet hidden in its heart is the All-knowing, All-powerful Conscious Force, the Divine Shakti.

The ever-wise compassionate Brilliances
Immovably ready for their destined task,
The ever-wise compassionate Brilliances
Await the sound of the Incarnate’s voice
To leap and bridge the chasms of Ignorance
And heal the hollow yearning gulfs of Life
And fill the abyss that is the universe.
These are the gods dwelling on one pole of Existence, embodying a luminous wisdom and compassion. Ever ready to help the evolutionary journey, they leap into creation at the call and command of the Divine. These powers accompany the Divine when He incarnates upon Earth to assist Him in His work upon Earth.

The dark end of things
Here meanwhile at the Spirit’s opposite pole   (p 60 begins)
In the mystery of the deeps that God has built
For his abode below the Thinker’s sight,
In this compromise of a stark absolute Truth
With the Light that dwells near the dark end of things,
In this tragi-comedy of divine disguise,
This long far seeking for joy ever near,
In the grandiose dream of which the world is made,
In this gold dome on a black dragon base,
The conscious Force that acts in Nature’s breast,
A dark-robed labourer in the cosmic scheme
Carrying clay images of unborn gods,
Executrix of the inevitable Idea
Hampered, enveloped by the hoops of Fate,
Patient trustee of slow eternal Time,
Absolves from hour to hour her secret charge.

Meanwhile here upon Earth, our present state is a state of Ignorance. The One Reality is here too but It is covered with obscurity and appears fragmented. Even in this darkness He sits and works veiled by the Ignorance. However, due to the secret Divine Presence there is here a yearning for Light and Peace and Bliss. Hidden in the heart of creation, covered by a limiting and limited Nature, is the Conscious Divine Force that still inspires and acts from behind, pushing all things towards some diviner height. This secret Divine Presence is the corrective in Nature against all errors and deviations and distortions of the Real Idea, that is ever trying to express itself through the complex web of forces and the play of Time. Besieged and hampered by the Unconsciousness and Darkness, all that it can create here are fragile forms and images and not the Deity Itself.

All she foresees in masked imperative depths
All she foresees in masked imperative depths;
The dumb intention of the unconscious gulfs
Answers to a will that sees upon the heights,
And the evolving Word’s first syllable
Ponderous, brute-sensed, contains its luminous close,
Privy to a summit victory’s vast descent
And the portent of the soul’s immense uprise.
Yet all is written in the Book of God. The Divine Force, laboring in the heart of creation, is All-knowing and All–powerful. Its steps are inevitable even though they are concealed from our ignorant sight. The Infinite Divine Shakti, fully conscious of our divine destiny, works towards the unfolding of this luminous Future decreed with the first stir of creation. The Divine Victory and the Soul’s ascension are already decided, and Nature and Time are bound to eventually fulfill this divine Intention, hidden in the heart of all things.

Closing Remarks
The Divine Shakti concealed in all things is the Source of all hope. However much our present ignorant nature may fumble and falter, She will lead creation eventually to its inevitable Divine Goal.

Between the age of eighteen and twenty I had attained a conscious and constant union with the divine Presence and that I had done it all alone.