Opening remarks
Is there God in this world? This is a question that is often asked, especially when we look at the surface life of man. Savitri continues to reveal further.
The dark beginning of all things
His knowledge he disguised as Ignorance,
His Good he sowed in Evil’s monstrous bed,
Made error a door by which Truth could enter in,
His plant of bliss watered with Sorrow’s tears.
Creation starts with God disguising himself in the cloak of Ignorance. He sows the seed of Good in the monstrous bed of Evil. Error became a starting point for truth to enter in. He waters the plant of bliss with tears of sorrow and suffering.
A thousand aspects
A thousand aspects point back to the One;
A dual Nature covered the Unique.
A thousand aspects of creation points to the One. A dual Nature with opposites of good and evil, pleasure and pain covered the Unique.
Earth’s million roads
In this meeting of the Eternal’s mingling masques,
This tangle-dance of passionate contraries
Locking like lovers in a forbidden embrace
The quarrel of their lost identity,
Through this wrestle and wrangle of the extremes of Power
Earth’s million roads struggled towards deity.
The masques of the Eternal mingle and meet in this tangle-dance of passionate contraries. These contraries are locked like lovers in a forbidden embrace. They have lost their identity in the Divine and hence in a state of quarrel. Through this wrestle and wrangle of the extremes of Power, the million roads struggle towards the Divine.
All stumbled
All stumbled on behind a stumbling Guide,
Yet every stumble is a needed pace
On unknown routes to an unknowable goal.
Thus each element of creation stumbled behind the All-knowing Guide yet each stumble is a needed step through unknown routes towards an unknowable goal.
All blundered
All blundered and straggled towards the One Divine.
Thus all seemed to blunder and straggle towards the One Divine.
Titan spell
As if transmuted by a titan spell
The eternal Powers assumed a dubious face:
Idols of an oblique divinity,
They wore the heads of animal or troll,
Assumed ears of the faun, the satyr’s hoof,
Or harboured the demoniac in their gaze:
A crooked maze they made of thinking mind,
They suffered a metamorphosis of the heart,
Admitting bacchant revellers from the Night
Into its sanctuary of delights,
As in a Dionysian masquerade.
As if transmuted by a titan spell, the eternal Powers assumed a dubious face. Idols of divinity were indirectly hinted wearing forms of animal or even ugly creatures. These miniature divinities assumed ears of the and hoofs of lustful gods. Or they harboured the demon gaze in their looks. They turned the mind into a crooked maze suffering a metamorphosis of the heart. They admitted drunken revellers from the Night into its sanctuary of so-called delight as in a Dionysian masquerade mimicking and imitating the Delight that built the worlds.
Closing Remarks
All is a mask of the One who hides behind the forms and faces.
About Savitri | B1C3-11 Towards Unity with God (pp.31-33)