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At the Feet of The Mother


Why do people often complain that they are not able to keep up the sadhana during work?

It is a question of doing work in the right attitude — as a means of sadhana. Most take the work as work only.

Democracy is by no means a sure preservative of liberty; on the contrary, we see today the democratic system of government march steadily towards such an organised annihilation of individual liberty as could not have been dreamed of in the old aristocratic and monarchical systems.
This canto is about an intermediate stage through which evolution passes. It is a life no more centred around just food and mating and sleep. There is here a cry for change and glimpses of a higher and more beautiful life. But these passing glimpses do not endure nor have the power to transform our earthly existence.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
Life's rapture kept for ever its flame and cry. All that now passes lived immortal there In the proud beauty and fine harmony Of Matter plastic to spiritual light.
When you look back, all kinds of things which you did not understand when they happened to you, you realise as just the thing which was necessary in order to compel you to make the needed progress. Always, without exception. It is our blindness which prevents us from seeing it.
The shikha was scissored off clean by Nolini Kanta Gupta in obedience to Sri Auro­bindo’s order at about 2 a.m. on the altar of the temple at sacred Pondicherry in which Sri Aurobindo is the mūrti (deity). He performed this service when I was asleep.
"There can be for the seeker of the integral Yoga no clinging to resting-places on the road or to half-way houses; he cannot be satisfied till he has laid down all the great enduring bases of his perfection and broken out into its large and free infinities, and even there he has to be constantly filling himself with more experiences of the Infinite."