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At the Feet of The Mother


I move in an ocean of stupendous Light Joining my depths to His eternal height.
My mind, my soul grow larger than all Space; Time founders in that vastness glad and nude: The body fades, an outline, a dim trace, A memory in the spirit’s solitude.
"This body which was once my universe, Is now a pittance carried by the soul"
"The peace of God, a mighty transience, Is now my spirit’s boundless atmosphere. All parts are gathered into a timeless whole; All moments blaze in an eternal year."
Yoga has been defined in various ways and each definition corresponds to some state that one arrives at by means of yoga. One such wonderful state described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is ‘Oneness’. It is even one of the fundamental states to be experienced, a basis on which all else can be built. The essence of this condition is to see the Divine in all things and everywhere.