This sense of one’s own person becomes a kind of cage, a prison which shuts you in, prevents you from being true, from knowing truly, acting truly, understanding truly.
Many suggestions come from different parts of being when man is in some difficulty. But there is one voice in us which comes from the depth of our soul. To listen to this voice and live according to this inmost truth is the path for man. This is swadharma.
This talk takes some of Sri Aurobindo’s political writings and speeches from the years 1890- 1908, published as a joined volume 6 - 7 of the CWSA (The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo), "Bande Mataram".
Each plane and part of the being offers its own resistances as we move through the vast and complex journey of the Integral Yoga. Matter responds with dullness and inertia, obscurity and tamas while the vital with impatience and restless impulsiveness. The mind too offers its own resistance to the transforming action of the Grace.