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At the Feet of The Mother


माता इस विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का जो परिचालन और जगन्नाट्य-संबंधी जो कार्य करती हैं उसमें उनके चार महारूप विशेष रूप से सामने प्रकट हैं, ये उनकी प्रमुख शक्तियों और विग्रहों में से चार हैं। प्रथमा हैं उनकी विग्रहभूता प्रशांत विशालता, सर्वव्यापिनी ज्ञानवत्ता, अचंचल मङ्गलमयता, अशेष निःशेष करुणा, अतुल अद्वितीय महिमा और विश्वराट् गौरव-गरिमा।
Will is the switch that turns on the other members giving them force and momentum. It is the power that runs through the warp and woof of life. Of course to be truly effective, we must learn to distinguish it from wishful thinking, wants and desires. These are ‘willings’ that come to us from the atmosphere and not the true will, not the will of our being.
Savitri arrives but unlike the ordinary human birth, this is a conscious birth. She is the Divine Mother who has prepared the body and mind that will be fit and ready to receive her. She brings with her the new possibilities for earth and men.