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At the Feet of The Mother


Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of Book Two Canto Thirteen of Savitri. Here cease the limits of Mind. All is plunged in the nirvana of a vast impersonality, formless, causeless, a state of escape into vacant Nothingness. It is not the state of pure Existence but of Its reflection in the mind substance.
This prayer is revelatory of the Silence behind life and its power to regenerate and rejuvenate us.
You must neither turn with an ascetic shrinking from the money power, the means it gives and the objects it brings, nor cherish a rajasic attachment to them or a spirit of enslaving self-indulgence in their gratifications.
This talk touches upon various aspects of decision-making such as choices and their consequences; making a conscious choice; ego-driven and true individual-driven impulsions; immediate and long term results of our actions. Some practical advices on making a decision are also given.