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At the Feet of The Mother


an audio in english
We are like channels: if we do not allow what they have received to pour out freely, not only do they become blocked and no longer receive anything, but what they contain will spoil.
A Talk in Hindi (video)
The story of Savitri and Satyavan is an ancient Puranic legend narrated in the Mahabharata. As we know Sri Aurobindo's Master touch has uplifted this short legend into a cosmic epic poem of rhythmic beauty and divine truths.
A Talk in English (audio)
This short talk picks up a beautiful leaf from Savitri (p. 393) when Savitri following her quest for the perfect partner who would share her work and mission meets Satyavan.
A Talk in Hindi (video)
This talk by Dr Alok Pandey is an address to a study circle in Odisha and focuses on how we can turn our life into a prayer.