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At the Feet of The Mother


Satsang with Dr Alok Pandey in Australia 17/17 (AUDIO)
This interactive session first dwells on the processes of meditation and concentration, followed by a subject of educating children towards higher spiritual values.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"Although Fate lingers in the high Beyond And the work seems vain on which our heart's force was spent, All shall be done for which our pain was borne."
"At one with Nature and at height with heaven, A spirit vast as the containing sky And swept with ecstasy from invisible founts, A god come down and greater by the fall."
Then Savitri following the great winding road Came where it dwindled into a narrow path Trod only by rare wounded pilgrim-feet. A few bright forms emerged from unknown depths And looked at her with calm immortal eyes.
an audio in english
Many a time in the day and night it seems to me that I am [...] concentrated entirely in my heart which is no longer an organ, not even a feeling, but the divine Love, impersonal, eternal; and being this Love I feel myself living at the centre of each thing upon the entire earth ...