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At the Feet of The Mother


A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Creation is an adventure of Consciousness. Savitri now reveals the truths that Death cannot see since it is hidden from his sight. She reveals to Death the great becoming starting from matter and reaching man through the plant and beast. It seeks to go beyond Man.
Savitri now reveals the truth of our soul and how it evolves in matter and through material forms. Slowly a being, a personality is carved out of mud under the influence of the soul that survives death. It reaches out to new possibilities ascending beyond Reason and the limits of human mind.
The Integral Yoga depends for its fulfilment upon the workings of the Mother’s Force aided by the sadhaka’s openness, receptivity, aspiration, faith, sincerity, quietude and surrender. Today we take up one of these requirements, which is termed as receptivity.