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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in English (video)
Breaking free from both tradition and modernity, the talk brings fresh insights into child development and human nature. A few examples from scriptures and real life draw attention to the real needs of a child.
Q & A Session with Dr Alok Pandey about work and its various dimensions.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
The atheist takes this world as it is and draws his philosophy out of his limited and partial field of observation. He does not feel any urge to go deeper or further. All this is a mechanical movement of an Inconscient nature, going on in a clockwork manner without any sense or purpose, driven by the blind engines of random chance.
A Talk in English (video)
Why does one get married? Or, why should one bring a child into this world? Reflecting upon such fundamental questions in a sincere and objective manner helps an adult become more conscious of his or her choices when it comes to entering the householder stage of life.